The current Flight Service Committee consists of 4 missionary members, and 3 advisers who are dedicated to the total ministry of the Flight Service. They meet together annually and keep in touch by e-mail, or cell phone as needed. They advise and assist in making policies and help to prayerfully develop a vision for the future.
The following people form the MFS Committee:
Bob Young

Commended From: USA
Serving at: Chavuma Mission
Bob will soon celebrate 60 years since he first arrived in Zambia. Revision of the Luvale Bible, Preaching and teaching at local churches, repair and maintenance of facilities, Shepherding are a few things that keep him occupied.
Bert Mast

Commended From: Canada
Serving at: Lukolwe Mission/ Rift Valley Accademy - Kenya
Bert first served in Congo as a missionary until he and Lois had to leave because of unrest in the country. He has lived in Lukolwe helping with the medical clinic, Bible studies and the assemblies in that area. He is presently helping at RVA in Kenya, making periodic visits back to Lukolwe.
John Loudon

Commended From: USA
Serving at: Kalene Mission
John has been in Zambia since 1996 after serving in Kenya and Tanzania. He is involved in Mission aviation, and Discipleship work.
Bruce Poidevin

Commended From: Canada
Serving at: Kalene Mission
Bruce came to Zambia full time in 1981. He is involved in the Flight Service, Missionary Guest House, Daily devotions/ Bible Study, Maintenance and building.
Gordon McKillop

Commended From: UK
Serving at: Nyangombe Bible School
Gordon & his wife Sybil served as missionaries in Congo for 17 years until political unrest prevented them returning. He is involved in the work at Nyangombe Christian Training Centre teaching in the Bible School and promoting skills training among the Lunda.
Paul Poidevin

Commended From: Canada
Serving at: Kabompo
Paul has been in Zambia since 1979. He is involved in Gospel preaching, Bible teaching, translation, publishing, and the revision of the Luvale Bible with a team of elders and missionaries.
Pam Ronald

Pam and her husband Mark arrived in Zambia in 2003. They are involved in Christian primary education, Pam taking the role of school nurse and dorm parent. They have an English Bible study in Ikelenge, and work among local assemblies as time permits.
Previous Committee Members and Advisors
- Dennis Brubacher (Canada) – formerly at Sakeji Mission School
- Barry Haigh (UK) – formerly at Nyangombe Bible School
- Mark Davies (UK) – formerly at Kasama
- Clive Cornelius (UK) – formerly at Musenga Mission Press
- Rachel Woodfield (NZ) – formerly at Kalene Mission Hospital