Some frequently asked questions about Kalene are included below. If you have any additional questions or comments, please feel free to get in touch via our contact page.
Is this the official website for Kalene Mission?
Does Kalene Mission Hospital have its own website?
Yes. Click here.
Do any funds designated to the Hospital or Mission go to the Flight Service?
Do any funds designated to the Flight Service go to the Mission or Hospital?
Yes, when the hospital uses the plane for medical flights, the compassionate fund pays 50% of the charter fare or 100% of seat rate.
Is Zengamina Hydro-electric Project part of Kalene Mission?
No, it is a separate entity, managed by the North West Zambia Development Trust. Click here to find out more
Do Kalene Mission or Hospital, Sakeji Mission, Flight Service, or local people receive free electricity from the Hydro scheme?
No, they pay per kilowatt or at a flat rate.